2022 Artist-in-Residence Reggie Guyton

Actor, director and performing artist Reggie Guyton served as the first Our Stage / Our Voices Artist-in-Residence.  Reggie has directed and performed on local stages as well as served on arts organization boards and advised and mentored many for finding their passions in art and in life.  He has held professional positions with the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, performing the solo “Ghosts of the Library” show and portraying Robert Smalls, a formerly enslaved person who freed himself and became a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in a living history piece written by Reggie.  Reggie identifies as a Cisgender Queer (Pansexual/Bisexual) Black man. 

During his Artist-in-Residency, Reggie hosted events that highlighted the Black experience of the arts, specifically highlighting Black youth and emphasizing Black joy.  Videos of some of the events are archived here:

Black Futurez: Mixtape
Culminating Residency Performance
February 3 & 4, 2023
Click here for archival recording.

Ragtime Panel Discussion
hosted by OSOV Artist-in-Residence and Ragtime Director Reggie Guyton
May 19, 2022, 6:30pm
Click here for recorded stream.

Creativity, Collaboration, and Community
April 15, 2022
Click here for recorded stream.

Reggie’s culminating event was a performance featuring himself and twelve other Black artists.  Weaving mythical lore, parable, and personal experience, the unfolding narrative of Black Futurez: Mixtape can best be described as a compilation of ideas and emotions from Black youth living through current times. 


Reggie Guyton OSOV